Mercredi 11 février 3 11 /02 /Fév 12:56

Aria Giovanni was born on November 3rd, 1977 in Los Angeles, California. I am the middle of three kids with an older sister and a younger brother. I was a shy child that had a hard time in social situations. I was never considered popular or one of the pretty girls in school. I spent a lot of my time in the backyard playing with my animals, climbing trees, and looking for bugs. You could say that I was a bit of a tomboy. I wasn’t a normal child. I would rather watch National Geographic or read a book than watch cartoons. I wanted a microscope for Christmas when I was six and a chemistry set for my seventh birthday.

I moved to Orange County where I went to high school. I still was a quiet and shy girl that had a hard time making friends. I remember having one friend in high school and when she didn’t come to school I would spend my lunch hour in the art room. Having to socialize was an awkward feeling for me and I was never really good at it. I never got asked out in high school. I went pretty much unnoticed.

I always did real well in school though, excelling in Math and Science. I skipped my Sophmore year of high school and started my Junior year at 14. I took my first college class at 15 and graduated high school and started college full-time at 16. I did three years at the local Junior College. I took a year off and drove to New York in which I stayed for five months. I drove back west and landed in San Diego.

I started college again while I waited tables at night. I took a job at the college as a tutor for Chemistry, Biology, and Math. I also became a teachers aide for the Biology department. With a work load of 17-1/2 units that semester, I started looking for a way to make more money in a shorter period of time. I answered ads in the newspaper for modeling in October of 1999. I spent the next six months shooting for a variety of amateur sites.

I met Aimee Sweet and she took me to meet Suze Randall in Los Angeles. I shot with Suze a few times before she submitted me to Penthouse. Ten days after being submitted, I was being interviewed and two days later I shot the cover. It all happened so fast. I met Suze at the end of May and I was on the newsstands by the end of July in the September 2000 issue of Penthouse.

Things really took off after this. I have been working non-stop since. I have branched out to shoot with other models and photographers along with shooting different genres. I started working on getting my site together after 1-1/2 years of modeling. Six months later I launched and I have been working on it since. My website is definitely the largest venture I have gone after in this business so far. Who knows what the future will hold though. I have a few ideas.

Aria Giovanni Official Website

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